Označevanje lokalnega lesa: O vrednotenju regionalnosti in trajnosti v trgovanju z lesom


In the face of climate change and a common call for environmental protection, regionality and sustainability turn out to be as symbolic as monetary values in economic contexts. In order to highlight and certificate these ethical ambitions, an international programme of forest certification has established a label that aims at distinguishing wood as logged and processed within a specific ‘regional’ area. The article scrutinizes the implementation of this label in the timber trades and deconstructs how the actors involved establish a link between ethical and economic concerns. By describing their everyday perspectives on the micro level, the article reveals shared aims (evoking credibility) and ideals (establishing sustainable action within regional markets) but also contradictions (efficiency and range). It shows that the label borrows from established designation procedures (such as Cultural Heritage, Geopark, Geographical Indications), and yet has its own logics linked to the properties of the material wood and spatial relations that constitute and confine the label’s actors network.V času podnebnih sprememb in pozivov k varstvu okolja imata regionalnost in trajnost v gospodarstvu tako simbolen kot tudi finančen pomen. Da bi izpostavili in certificirali etične prakse v trgovanju z lesom, je mednarodni program certificiranja gozdov razvil posebno označbo za les. Ta označuje, da je les posekan in predelan na določenem območju. Članek proučuje uvedbo in uporabo označbe v lesnopredelovalni dejavnosti in odkriva, katere etične in gospodarske pomisleke imajo akterji v tej dejavnosti. Na podlagi opisov vsakdanjih izkušenj posameznih akterjev sklepamo, da gre pri certificiranju lesa za skupne cilje (vzbujanje kredibilnosti), ideale (vzpostavitev trajnostnega delovanja na regionalnih trgih), pa tudi protislovja (učinkovitost in doseg). Označba lesa izvira iz uveljavljenih praks znamčenja, na primer kulturne dediščine, geoparkov in drugih geografskih označb, ima pa tudi svojo logiko. Označbe lesa izkazujejo lastnosti lesa in razmerja, ki sestavljajo in zamejujejo označbeno mrežo akterjev

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