Patristické texty v sanktorálu chorvatskohlaholských breviářů vzniklých do 15. století


The article deals with homilies of the Church Fathers in the Proprium Sanctorum of Croatian Glagolitic breviaries. Based on structural characteristics of the Proprium Sanctorum and textological variants in patristic texts, differences are sought in particular codices of Croatian Glagolitic breviaries. An explanation is sought for the possible origin of these differences and their relation to the Latin originals.Članek obravnava homilije cerkvenih očetov v sanktoralu hrvaškoglagolskih brevirjev. Na osnovi strukture Propria sanctorum in tekstoloških razlik med patristističnimi besedili skušamo ugotoviti razlike med posameznimi primerki hrvaškoglagolskih brevirjev v njihovem sanktoralnem delu in obenem obrazložiti njihov možni nastanek in povezanost z latinskimi predlogami

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