
The study aimed to evaluate pre-servıce teachers’ communication skills. Research Faculty of Education University of Bartin Class Teacher Education, Science Teacher Education, Mathematics Education and Social Studies Education Department made over 175 pre-servıce teachers studying in the field. The questionnaire used in the collection of the data by Ersan and Balcı (1998) developed by communication skills inventory. This inventory is a likert-type 5 measurement tool consisting of 45 items, the scale of mental, emotional and behavioral measures in terms of communication skills. It contains 15 questions each of them size-related. In research pre-servıce teachers’ communication skills have investigated according to their genders and the science branches whether does not change. In research, it was tried to be answered the following questions:What are communication skill levels of the senior students at the Faculty of Education, Bartın University?Is there a statistically significant difference between communication skills of the senior students studying at the Faculty of Education, Bartın University with regard to their genders?Is there a statistically significant difference between communication skills of the senior students studying at the Faculty of Education, Bartın University with regard to their departments?The research universe constitutes the final year students of 2015-2016 studying at Bartın University Faculty of Education Department of Primary Education. Sampling is compose by 175 students from selected the final year students at Department of Elementary Education. The survey model was used in the research. In the analysis of data used the statistical processing of the data from independent groups t-test and one-way ANOVA. As a result of the research pre-servıce teachers in communication skills was found a significant difference in favour of females. Pre-servıce teachers’ in communication skills was found significant difference in science branches. This difference is in favor of Class Teaching include Class Teacher Education, Science Teacher Education, Mathematics Education and Social Studies Education Department.  Article visualizations

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