Early manifestation of ARDS in COVID-19 infection in a 51- year-old man affected by Mounier-Kuhn syndrome


A 51-year-old man known to be affected by Mounier-Kuhn syndrome (MKS). presented to Accident & Emergecy (A&E) with fever, dyspnea and deterioration of his chronic coughs. Increased diameters of his trachea (39 mm), right (30 mm) and left (26 mm) main bronchi were revealed by chest computerized tomography (CT) scan. CT scan showed also ground-glass opacities (GGO) and bronchiectasis in the mid and lower zones of both lungs. COIVD-19 infection was eventually confirmed by RT-PCR. A severe form of COVID-19 could occur even in the early stages of the disease in presence of underlying co-morbidities including MKS, which increases the susceptibility to more recurrent and severe respiratory infections. © 2020 Elsevier Inc

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