A More Equitable World: The Social and Economic Benefits of Investing in Girls’ Education


Education is a human right, although many children are not afforded this opportunity. Across the world, there are millions of children who are not in school and may not ever be able to complete their education. Specifically in the region of Sub-Saharan Africa, innumerable children are unable to go to school due to many barriers that prevent educational access; girls are especially impacted by these barriers, some of which include poverty, menstruation, and conflict. The rate of children who are displaced from school increases with age, encountering more challenges to educational attainment as they move through the levels in school. The cultural expectations for gender alone is one of the significant challenges contributing to displacement of girls from school. However, there are several benefits to educational attainment, for individuals, families, and society. The benefits are particularly true for girls and investing in their education is crucial to advancing gender equity as well. Social and economic prosperity, linked to the educational achievement of women and girls, can only be realized through policies that address significant barriers to girls’ educational access

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