KO systems based on Human needs Approach - to bring Harmony between homogeneity and heterogeneity of future information environment


Latest developments in the field of telecommunications combined with the Internet and the World Wide Web, have enabled us to transmit huge volumes of data, in wide range of forms and formats in an information environment which cuts across the geographic as well as political boundaries of the world. According to a study done by IDC, worldwide proliferation of PCs and smart phones, increased internet access and the boost in capturing data from machines such as surveillance cameras or smart meters has contributed to the exponential growth of digital data. By 2020, IDC projects that the digital universe will reach 40 ZB. However, currently majority of this data is untagged and unstructured (EMC Press release Dec 11, 2012). As of today only 3 percent of this potentially useful data is tagged, and even less is analyzed. Effective and Efficient KO tools play a major role in realizing the full potential of Big Data

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