Análise da qualidade ambiental em área de intervenção urbana em Cuiabá – MT


The study carried out here aims to compare the change in environmental quality, which occurred between the years 2011 and 2019, in part of the region of the Federal University of Mato Grosso - Cuiabá/MT from the construction of an environmental quality chart based on the digital crossing of the land use and land cover maps method in the chosen region. The studied area underwent major urban interventions, having its structure significantly altered, due to the removal of vegetation mass and implementation of a road structure. Considering such alterations, the method previous described was applied in order to generate an environmental quality chart of the area. The use of this seeks to simplify the understanding regarding the environmental quality of space through maps and, in this way, allow greater popular involvement in decisions related to the urban landscape. Weights were assigned to each class, which were later added together, generating a single value of environmental quality. Although a unitary letter of quality is presented, it is necessary to analyze it together with the letters of use and coverage, so that there is no loss of information. The results indicated a worsening of the environmental quality. Furthermore, the technique used was easy to understand and can be used to identify the influence of land use and land cover on environmental quality.The study carried out here aims to compare the change in environmental quality, which occurred between the years 2011 and 2019, in part of the region of the Federal University of Mato Grosso - Cuiabá/MT from the construction of an environmental quality chart based on the digital crossing of the land use and land cover maps method in the chosen region. The studied area underwent major urban interventions, having its structure significantly altered, due to the removal of vegetation mass and implementation of a road structure. Considering such alterations, the method previous described was applied in order to generate an environmental quality chart of the area. The use of this seeks to simplify the understanding regarding the environmental quality of space through maps and, in this way, allow greater popular involvement in decisions related to the urban landscape. Weights were assigned to each class, which were later added together, generating a single value of environmental quality. Although a unitary letter of quality is presented, it is necessary to analyze it together with the letters of use and coverage, so that there is no loss of information. The results indicated a worsening of the environmental quality. Furthermore, the technique used was easy to understand and can be used to identify the influence of land use and land cover on environmental quality.O estudo aqui realizado objetiva comparar a mudança da qualidade ambiental, ocorrida entre os anos 2011 e 2019, de parte da região da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso – Cuiabá/MT a partir da construção de uma carta de qualidade ambiental com base no método do cruzamento digital das cartas de uso e da cobertura da terra da região escolhida. A área estudada passou por grandes intervenções urbanas, tendo a sua estrutura alterada significativamente pela retirada de maciço de vegetação e implantação de estrutura viária. Considerando tais alterações, aplicou-se o referido método a fim de gerar uma carta de qualidade ambiental da área. Buscou-se simplificar o entendimento referente à qualidade ambiental do espaço por meio de mapas e, deste modo, permitir um maior envolvimento popular nas decisões relativas à paisagem urbana. Foram atribuídos pesos a cada classe que, posteriormente, foram somados gerando um valor único de qualidade ambiental. Embora seja apresentada uma carta unitária de qualidade, é necessária a análise conjunta desta com as cartas de uso e cobertura, para que não haja perda de informações. Os resultados indicaram na piora da qualidade ambiental. Ademais, a técnica empregada foi de fácil compreensão, podendo ser utilizada para identificar a influência do uso e da cobertura do solo sobre a qualidade ambiental

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