A Hospital - Based Observational Study on Clinical Profile of Ischemic and Haemorrhagic Stroke and Validation of Siriraj Stroke Score System


BACKGROUND: Ischemic and haemorrhagic stroke are the two major types of stroke, that contribute much to the neurological causes of morbidity and mortality. But their treatment modality differs. Hence it is essential to differentiate between infarct and haemorrhagic stroke. Siriraj stroke score helps in differentiating between these two conditions. In situations, where neuroimaging is not possible, Siriraj stroke score system can be used and prompt treatment can be initiated, since success of treatment depends on how fast the treatment has been initiated. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To ascertain the clinical profile of ischemic and haemorrhagic stroke. 2. To determine the validity of Siriraj stroke score system in differentiating ischemic and haemorrhagic stroke. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All patients are subjected to thorough history taking and clinical examination and are subjected to neuroimaging by noncontrast CT brain and MRI brain. After getting informed consent from patient/ patients attenders, after removing metallic objects from body, patient is made to lie on CT examination table, lying flat on her/his back. CT brain will be taken and then MRI Brain. RESULT: There existed a significant correlation between Siriraj stroke score system and MRI Brain findings, which shows a significant validity for using Siriraj stroke score system as bedside test in differentiating ischemic from haemorrhagic stroke. CONCLUSION: ◈ As Siriraj stroke score has significant correlation with MRI brain, it can be used as bedside test for differentiating infarct from haemorrhagic stroke. ◈ It can be used in conditions where CT and MRI are not possible. ◈ Since hypertension and Diabetes mellitus has significant correlation with incidence of stroke, early diagnosis and treatment of stroke can reduce the incidence of stroke

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