Animal bodies (mammalian and human body) show a great capacity for adaptation, both to the fluctuations of environmental factors and also regarding the nutrition, increasingly modified. General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) of organisms, began to be studied in animals and also in humans. In human bodyes, GAS is studied because a number of disease with great significance psychologically, physiological but especially medical, appeard. In both categories of bodies, GAS is investigated by the presence of markers that highlight heart or cardiovascular disease, kidney disorders, nutritional and metabolic disorders - diabetes mellitus, also others more. Specific markers for the assessment of GAS are endogenous particles (the best example being the body's own enzymes) but also exogenous (drugs, hormones, chemicals). The objective of this study is to analyze the activity of some enzymes, from human and animals blood samples, such as creatinphosphokinase CPK, lactatdehidrogenase LDH, alkaline phosphatase ALP and for glycosylated hemoglobin (human samples only)