[The Potential of Waqf In Facing The Covid19 Pandemic] Potensi Wakaf dalam Menghadapi Pandemik Covid19


Islamic philanthropy is able to solve economic problems in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, among them is waqf. The credibility of waqf in efforts to reduce poverty and improve the country's economy can no longer be disputed and has been proven through history. The existence of Corona Virus or known as Covid-19 at the end of 2019 has attracted world attention. Although the virus is related to health, but its impact has affected various sectors including the economy and even worse contributed towards the escalation of the global economic crisis. Although assistance is provided by certain parties, to what extent these funds are able to survive for the survival of society, especially for those who have just been categorized as poor as a result of this pandemic. Thus, this study will reveal the extent to which waqf is able to minimize the economic problems that are being faced. The research methodology adopted is qualitatively descriptive by using content analysis as the method of analysis. It is not only the Government that is responsible in dealing with the issue of the Covid-19 pandemic, but it is also a shared responsibility that must be borne by all levels of society and agencies. With the uniqueness of waqf, it is able to resolve the economic crisis and at the same time help ease the burden of the government, especially in times of pandemics that affect certain groups. The existence of Covid-19 without realizing it is the source of waqf and the latest encouragement to contribute more towards the well-being of all when recognizing the greatness of waqf and in professional governance. Filantropi Islam mampu menyelesaikan masalah ekonomi dalam menghadapi pandemik Covid-19 di antaranya ialah wakaf. Kredibiliti wakaf dalam usaha mengurangkan kemiskinan dan meningkatkan ekonomi negara tidak dapat dipertikaikan lagi dan telah terbukti melalui sejarah. Kewujudan Virus Corona atau di kenali dengan Covid-19 di penghujung tahun 2019 telah menarik perhatian dunia. Meskipun virus ini berkaitan dengan kesihatan, namun impaknya telah memberi kesan terhadap pelbagai sektor termasuklah bidang ekonomi dan lebih buruk lagi menyumbang ke arah peningkatan krisis ekonomi global. Meskipun bantuan diberikan oleh pihak tertentu namun sejauh mana dana ini mampu bertahan untuk kelangsungan kehidupan masyarakat lebih-lebih lagi bagi golongan yang baru dikategorikan sebagai miskin akibat pandemik ini. Justeru, kajian ini akan menyingkap sejauh mana wakaf mampu meminimumkan masalah ekonomi yang sedang dihadapi. Metodologi penyelidikan yang diguna pakai adalah secara kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisis kandungan sebagai kaedah penganalisisan. Bukan hanya pihak Kerajaan sahaja yang bertanggungjawab dalam menghadapi isu kemelut pandemik Covid-19, bahkan ia merupakan tanggungjawab bersama yang harus di pikul oleh semua lapisan masyarakat dan agensi berkenaan. Dengan keunikan wakaf mampu menyelesaikan kemelut ekonomi sekali gus membantu meringankan bebanan kerajaan lebih-lebih lagi di saat pandemik yang menjejaskan golongan tertentu. Kewujudan Covid-19 tanpa di sedari menjadi pencetus sumber wakaf dan galakkan terkini untuk lebih menyumbang ke arah kesejahteraan semua bilamana mengenali kehebatan wakaf dan di tadbir urus secara profesional

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