Multidimensional Analysis: A Video Based Case Study Research Methodology for Examining Individual Dance/Movement Therapy Sessions


Multidimensional Analysis, a video based case study research methodology, was created by this author to examine multivariable qualitative data and develop an understanding of the therapeutic value and relational characteristics of auditory, visual and contextual components in individual dance/movement therapy sessions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the benefits and limitations of Multidimensional Analysis based on its development and use in a preliminary study. Multidimensional Analysis involved an examination of individual dance/movement therapy sessions as a whole, as differentiated moments, and again as a whole. Videotaping each session was the primary form of data collection from which all other data collection and analysis procedures originated. This methodology was beneficial in broadening the researcher’s perspective and understanding of the auditory, visual and contextual components of the videotaped sessions, but also resulted in complex information that was difficult to process despite time consuming analysis procedures. Suggestions for modifying Multidimensional Analysis for future use in dance/movement therapy research are discussed, as well as implications for practicing dance/movement therapists

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