An Analysis of a Web Service based Approach for Experimental Data Sharing


This paper presents the results obtained from a comparative analysis of two methods for experimental data sharing. Several works related to the topic and some approaches for processing data have been discussed. Different technolgoies related to the web services, ways of using them and the areas of their application are analyzed. For the purposes of the study, a web service for retrieving specific data from a behavioral experiments database was developed.The methodology and conditions for conducting the experiments are described. Two different indicators are analyzed, respectively: time to retrieve the data from a database and iteration time across all records through one loop. The results show that when retrieving thousands of records both web service based approach and an approach based on a remote database server can be used. However, when retrieving millions of records, the fastest approach was the one that uses remote database server. The obtainedresultsshow that the dynamic arrays (containing strings) iterated much faster across all data records than the dataset approach

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