Educación inclusiva y TIC: Sistemas de barrido ocular para alumnado con parálisis cerebral en Educación Primaria: Inclusive education and ICT: Eye-tracking systems for students with cerebral palsy in Primary Education


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are an essential tool for achieving inclusive education. We present a research that studies one of the two cases in Spain of a 1st grade primary school student with cerebral palsy with spasticity, who only has ocular muscle control. Alternatives have been sought to access the curriculum on an equal opportunity basis, using eye-tracking devices, augmentative communication systems, and ICT. The results advance the adequate inclusion process that demonstrates presence, participation and learning among equals. In addition, good results in learning qualifications are guaranteed. To access the curriculum, only access adaptations have been made, not significant adaptations.  Resumen: El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) como herramienta de acceso al currículo, supone uno de los grandes avances para alcanzar una educación más inclusiva. Se presenta el estudio de uno de los dos casos en España, que explora la implementación y el proceso llevado a cabo en un centro educativo para  hacer efectiva la inclusión educativa de una alumna de 1º curso de Educación Primaria que presenta parálisis cerebral con predominio espástico, lo que supone una dificultad en el control muscular, siendo solo este controlado de manera ocular, por lo que se han buscado alternativas para su acceso al currículo a través del uso de dispositivos de barrido ocular, sistemas aumentativos de comunicación y TIC. Los resultados avanzan la idoneidad del proceso de inclusión que supone la presencia, participación y aprendizaje en igualdad de oportunidades y los óptimos resultados de aprendizaje utilizando en exclusiva adaptaciones de acceso al currículo oficial. Palabras clave: Barrido ocular, comunicación aumentativa, educación inclusiva, inclusión, parálisis cerebral, TIC.   Abstract: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are an essential tool for achieving inclusive education. We present a research that studies one of the two cases in Spain of a 1st grade primary school student with cerebral palsy with spasticity, who only has ocular muscle control. Alternatives have been sought to access the curriculum on an equal opportunity basis, using eye-tracking devices, augmentative communication systems, and ICT. The results advance the adequate inclusion process that demonstrates presence, participation and learning among equals. In addition, good results in learning qualifications are guaranteed. To access the curriculum, only access adaptations have been made, not significant adaptations. Key words: Eye-tracking, augmentative communication, inclusive education, inclusion, cerebral palsy, ICT

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