The Accomplishments of a Network- Priceless Resources: A Strategic Framework for Wetland and Riparian Area Conservation and Restoration in Montana 2008-2012- and Prioritization for 2013-2017


The Montana Wetland Council provides a forum for scientists, mangers, regulators, and others to network and collectively advance wetland and riparian conservation. While these professions aren’t typically known for their social dynamism, the passion for the resource holds together and propels this functioning network and has resulted in three National Wetland Award winners in the last 7 years. Five-year accomplishments include: Montana now has digital wetland and riparian maps for a majority of the state and these important aquatic resources are one of the state’s supported 14 Montana Spatial Data Layers. Montana also has a new statewide In-Lieu Fee Program for impacts to aquatic resources throughout Montana under the auspices of the Corps’ 404 and Section 10 regulatory programs. These and other accomplishments from the State’s 2008-2012 Wetland and Riparian conservation strategy will be described along with what difference the accomplishments have made and opportunities they leverage for increased wildlife habitat protection and restoration. The next 5-yr strategy is currently in the makings. Hear about the 2013-2017 draft priorities and share your input to shape the collective direction of the Montana Wetland Council network

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