Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Processes for Damage State Assessment of Arch Masonry Bridge


The present work proposes a fuzzy analytical hierarchy approach for decision making in the maintenance programming of masonry arch bridges. As a practical case, we propose to classify the degradation state of the Mohammadia masonry bridge. A large number of criteria and sub-criteria are combined to classify this type of bridges through visual inspections. The main criteria (level 1) considered in this work are the history of the bridge, the environmental conditions, the structural capacity and the professional involvement of the bridge. In addition, these criteria are subdivided into several sub-criteria (level 2) which are, in turn, subdivided into sub-criteria (level 3). Considering these criteria and sub-criteria, weights Wiare calculated by fuzzy geometric mean method of Buckley. Subsequently, expert scores were assigned to calculate the overall score CS reflecting the degradation of the considered infrastructure. Thereafter, the masonry arch bridges are classified respecting the French IQOA scoring system using the overall scores value CS. The proposed classification method gave similar results provided by an expertโ€™s study realized previously as part of a national patrimony preservation policy. The obtained results are in good agreement, which makes this method an effective scientific tool for decision-making in view of prioritization of the maintenance after systematic inspection of masonry bridges such as the bridge studied in this work.ย Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091770 Full Text: PD

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