Communication: Comparison of Respiratory Specimens for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2


We compared SARS-CoV-2 detection rate of different respiratory specimens (nasopharyngeal swab [NPS], n=92; oropharyngeal swab [OPS], n=18; sputum, n=11). We also compared cycle threshold (Ct) values of paired specimen types obtained from the same patient on the same day. Then we characterized viral load kinetics of NPS (n=142), OPS (n=126), and sputum (n=75), during disease course. Sputum samples showed higher detection rate than NPS, and OPS exhibited the lowest detection rate. The median Ct values in NPS were significantly lower than in paired OPS, and higher than in paired sputum, respectively (P<0.05). During the disease course, viral load was the lowest in OPS and the highest in sputum samples.N

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