Extended sensations on interactive telecommunication


Although computer science and telecommunications have evolved from the 90’s to nowadays, the way people communicate each other through electronic devices has stuck since the appearance of the videoconference. The audiovisual interaction seems enough, but we think the sensation of presence gets higher when we allow the person who we are talking to, taking part in our environment using and enriching it. In that way, the interaction is improved with new sensations which come from outside of our device. In this article, we propose a communication service which provides not only videoconference, but manages the smart environment where the interlocutor of the communication is, allowing him to access to any device connected through domotic and/or wireless network. The application is developed under the OSGi open specification and it almost doesn’t imply any cost increase over the bandwidth used during communication. Once explaining the technical foundations, its diverse applications in ubiquitous meetings and on-line games will be commented

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