2020 tracer study report


Assalamualaikum arahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Last year and the current year have been turbulent years due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Universities were closed for most of the days and classes were conducted online. Convocations were cancelled or postponed and hence it has affected the collection of data involving graduates of the year 2020. The Alumni Relations Division and the Counselling and Career Services Centre had done their best to collect necessary data for this Tracer Study report. As with other universities globally, the current condition has also affected the employability rate of the graduates. This document reports the Tracer Study findings that were compiled using the results of data analysed from the 2020 graduates. Graduates answered 2 sets of online survey questionnaires – one constructed by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and another constructed by the 2020 IIUM Tracer Study team. The MOE survey consists of eight main parts/ categories. PART A: Respondent’s Background, PART B: Current Job Status, PART C: Employment, PART D: Unemployed/ Not Working and Others, PART E: Further Studies, PART F: Evaluation of Programmes and Services Offered by Respective Institution, PART G: Effectiveness of Study Programme and Self Readiness and PART H: Agreement. Respondents who were employed were asked to complete Section C, to clarify about their employment status, occupation, income, and other work‐related particulars. Graduates who were not working at the time of the survey were asked to complete Section D, which asked their reasons for not working, job search, and preferences. Those who were doing further studies were asked to complete Section E. All respondents were asked to complete Sections F and G. The IIUM questionnaire consists of ten parts which include categories on the graduates’ level of satisfaction of different offices and services offered by IIUM, self-perception of Islam and Islamisation, conditions related to mental health and well-being, involvement in community programmes and realization of Sustainable Development Goals. A total of 4,338 graduates participated in completing MOHE survey – 3804 Bachelor’s degree graduates, 425 Master graduates, and 109 PhD graduates. They were representatives from fourteen Kulliyyah at IIUM as well as two institutes, namely INHART, and IIiBF. Another Institute, INSTAC was not represented in the MOHE survey but 2 of their students completed the IIUM survey. For completeness, comparison and presentation of charts/ graphs by Kulliyyah include the Institutes although their number of students are less. The findings of this Tracer Study are presented in thirteen different sections. The first section presented the profile of the graduates with the details of their employment profile in the second one. The third section reports on graduates’ entrepreneurship situation during study with the fourth section presenting the details on non-working graduates. This is followed by the fifth section on career, guidance and counselling services (CGCS) and the sixth section on academic programmes. The seventh sections examine the facilities and services offered by IIUM which include Mahallah, Library, Kulliyyah, Career, Guidance and Counselling services, etc. The eighth section examines the graduates’ perception of the effectiveness of their study programme and self-readiness after their study, while the ninth section examines students’ job-seeking behaviour. IIUM missions of islamisation, which is considered important to IIUM is presented in section ten together with other components of IIUM’s mission such as internationalisation, and integration of knowledge. Section eleven reveals IIUM graduates’ psychological condition; Section twelve about the sustainable development goals (SDGS), and finally section thirteen detailing what the graduates’ perceive of their experiences in IIUM

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