Muros y posterrorismo en Los Gondra y Los otros Gondra de Borja Ortiz de Gondra


We analyse the representation of the end of ETA’s terrorism in thecontemporary self-fiction theatre. Therefore we study the importance of the physicalwalls considering the symbolical values they represent and the social, mental andemotional barriers that lead the characters to repeat political struggles, generation aftergeneration. The vision of reconciliation and forgiveness may be dark if it becomespossible only when those walls and their cultural background are knocked down, or itcan be bright if it is considered as an emancipation from that background.Analizamos la representación del fin del terrorismo etarra en el teatrocontemporáneo autofictivo. Para ello estudiamos el alcance de los muros físicos, consus valores simbólicos, y de las barreras sociales, mentales y emocionales que llevan alos personajes a luchas repetidas de naturaleza política generación tras generación. Lavisión de la reconciliación y el perdón puede ser sombría, ya que estos son solo posiblescuando esos muros y los fundamentos culturales que representan se abaten, o puedeser luminosa, si se interpreta como una emancipación de dichos fundamentos.We analyse the representation of the end of ETA’s terrorism in thecontemporary self-fiction theatre. Therefore we study the importance of the physicalwalls considering the symbolical values they represent and the social, mental andemotional barriers that lead the characters to repeat political struggles, generation aftergeneration. The vision of reconciliation and forgiveness may be dark if it becomespossible only when those walls and their cultural background are knocked down, or itcan be bright if it is considered as an emancipation from that background

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