
© 2022, The Korean Physical Society.Because a fusion edge plasma contains various atomic and molecular processes, along with various plasma–material interactions (PMIs) for post-mortem analyses, a linear plasma device can simulate divertor and scrape-off layer (SOL) plasmas with DC edge relevant parameters, although it cannot generate a high ion temperature and toroidicity with much less power density compared to toroidal devices. The Divertor Plasma Simulator-2 (DiPS-2), a linear device with an LaB6 DC cathode, has been used for a few fusion-relevant physics experiments, including edge localized mode (ELM) simulation and edge transport of diffusion and convection. An ELM simulation has been performed by modulating the magnetic field relevant to the pressure modulation of a toroidal device, and the diffusion coefficients of free and bound presheaths have been measured in simulations of divertor or limiter transport. Moreover, the convection of the filament or the bubble expansion to the first wall has also been analyzed. In addition to various atomic and molecular processes in SOL and divertor plasmas, PMIs must be analyzed both on and beneath the surface of the plasma-facing components (PFCs) because of surface modification. Using DiPS-2 and other linear devices along with Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR), PMIs have been analyzed in terms of the following elements or processes: (1) boronizations, both for dust interactions with the surface chamber (DiSC) and KSTAR device, are analyzed; (2) carbon damage by the dense heat flux of DiPS-2 is experimentally investigated; (3) the density profile of the lithium injection gettering of hydrogen and its transport experiments (LIGHT-1) device is analytically calculated; (4) the effect of nitrogen on the relaxation of the heat flux to the divertor tile is experimentally analyzed; and (5) tungsten as the divertor tile material is analyzed via laser ELM simulations in terms of dust generation and surface modification.N

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