
Evaluation of 2010 Delaware crash data reported to the Motor Carrier Management Information System Crash File


Special reportThis report is part of a series evaluating the data reported to the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) Crash File undertaken by the Center for National Truck and Bus Statistics at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. The earlier studies showed that reporting to the MCMIS Crash File was incomplete. This report examines the factors that are associated with reporting rates for the State of Delaware. MCMIS Crash File records were matched to the Delaware crash file to determine the nature and extent of underreporting. Overall, it is estimated that, for 2010, 71.6% of reportable crash involvements were reported. All fatal crash involvements were correctly reported. Reporting rates were lower for less severe collisions: 66.6% of injured/transported crashes and 76.6% of towed/disabled crashes were reported. Recognition by the reporting officer that a vehicle was a CMV was important, though no single factor was identified that explained the overall reporting rate. Missing data rates are low for most variables. Corresponding data elements in the MCMIS and Delaware crash files were reasonably consistent, though specific problems were noted with respect to the MCMIS truck configuration variable. Over one-quarter of the records were inconsistent on this variable. Improvements in training to may address this issue. Only about 53 percent of records were submitted to the MCMIS file within 90 day post-crash period requirement.Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

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