A case report of posttraumatic growth from a psychosomatic disorder due to traumatic stress in a 50s woman


【目的】本研究では,トラウマ性ストレスによる心身障害を抱えた50代女性に対する,トラウマ体験を物語ることに焦点を当てた介入の症例から心的外傷後成長(Posttraumatic growth: PTG)の生起過程を考察する。【現病歴】a 市における自然災害死目撃を機に不安,恐怖が持続。薬物治療で回復に向かうも,a 市に帰郷すると体調が増悪するというサイクルを繰り返した。【事例の経過】トラウマ体験を物語ることを目的に,ナラティブ・エクスポージャー・セラピー(Narrative Exposure Therapy: NET)を実施した結果,不安と恐怖が軽減した。その過程の中で夫との親密さが増し,ともにトラウマに立ち向かった結果,症状なくa 市に帰郷できるようになった。【考察】トラウマ体験を物語ることで,PTG に必要な「意図的反芻」,「語りの発展」,「スキーマの変化」を促進し「人間としての強さ」,「他者との関係」の領域においてPTG が生起したと考えられる。【Purpose】 This clinical study is to report the effectiveness of narrative approach for PTG to open up traumatic experiences in a 50s women with psychosomatic disorder due to traumatic stress.【History of present illness】 I anxiety and fear continued after witnessing the death of a natural disaster in a city. The patient recovered with medication. However, she repeated the cycle that his physical condition got worse when he returned to a city.【Progress】 As she described her traumatic experience, her anxiety and fear lessened. In the process, the intimacy with the husband increased, and they faced the trauma together. Two years after intervention, She was back to a city without symptoms.【Disccusion】 It is considered that “intentional rumination”, “development of the narrative”, and “change of the schema”necessary for PTG were promoted by telling the traumatic experience, and PTG arose in the region of “strength as a human” and “relation with others

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