Riesgo cardiovascular de jovenes españoles en dos epocas diferentes (años 1980 y 2000): Estudio Agemza


Analizamos el perfil de riesgo cardiovascular de una muestra de jóvenes varones españoles de los años ochenta, cohorte inicial del estudio AGEMZA, y la comparamos con otraLACLAUSTRA GIMENO, MARTÍN (Codirector) muestra de similares características, tras el 2000. Las dos muestras están compuestas por residentes cadetes de la Academia General Militar de Zaragoza. Obtuvimos datos de prevalencia de los factores de riesgo y estimamos el riesgo coronario mediante la ecuación de Framingham. Comparamos 260 sujetos de la muestra inicial y 248 de la actual, encontrando empeoramiento significativo en la muestra actual en el peso, IMC, perfil lipídico, riesgo coronario estimado en los próximos 10 años y el proyectado a los 65 años de edad. Los aumentos de peso y del IMC se correlacionan de forma significativa con los cambios encontrados en el perfil lipídico. Ésto nos obliga a tomar medidas preventivas en los jóvenes y extremar el desarrollo de campañas destinadas a frenar este aumento progresivo de la obesidad para prevenir su aparición. To investigate the cardiovascular risk profile of a sample of young Spanish men taken in the 1980s, the initial AGEMZA study cohort, and to compare the findings with those in another sample with similar characteristics taken after 2000.The two AGEMZA study cohorts comprised young men who were resident at the Zaragoza General Military Academy. Data on the prevalence of various risk factors were obtained and the coronary disease risk was estimated using the Framingham equation. Comparison 248 subjects from the current cohort with 260 from the initial cohort, showed the following significant changes: weight, BMI, lipid profile, estimated coronary disease risk in the next 10 years and estimated coronary disease risk up to the age of 65 years. There were significant correlations between increases in weight and BMI and lipid profile alterations. The lipid profile and BMI were worse in the current sample. These findings make it essential that preventive measures for young people should be introduced and that an increased effort should be made to develop programs aimed at either stopping the progressive rise in obesity or even preventing it altogether

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