Shared decision-making in trauma and emergency surgery settings. A literature review


Emergency teams are made up of professionals of different specialities, including emergency physicians, surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses. Such units are characterized by the need to face unexpected situations with little time to make clinical decisions. In trauma and emergency settings, clinicians must act in a coordinated way, ensuring, at the same time, proper knowledge transfer and sharing to reach the best possible result for the patient. While such dynamics must be explicit and clear within the team, involving the patient in the decision-making process may require additional tools and procedures. Indeed, the time to engage with the patient and the family to understand the patient’s wishes and treatment preferences may be limited or absent at all. While the so-called shared decision-making (SDM) stands as one of the pillars of the modern patient-centric healthcare scenario, knowledge translation and transfer dynamics may appear particularly challenging in emergency settings. Starting from an investigation of the recent literature on SDM, the paper presents a literature review of the barriers, facilitators, and knowledge translation dynamics of SDM in trauma and emergency surgery. Results assess the importance, tools, and dynamics of SDM processes

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