Brain Injury Clubhouse Model and Perceived Impact on Occupational Performance


This project explored the impact that the brain injury Clubhouse model has on occupational performance through a qualitative research design method. Individuals with traumatic brain injury experience a disruption in occupational performance due to changes in physical, cognitive, or emotional factors from the injury (CDC, 2021). Even after the acute stage of rehabilitation, individuals with TBI may still experience difficulty participating in daily occupations. The brain injury Clubhouse model serves as a bridge between traditional rehabilitation services and community reintegration by giving members a safe environment to practice the skills needed for community-based occupations such as independent living and work (BIND, n.d.). The theory guiding this project was the Person-Environment-Occupation-Performance (PEOP) model. According to the model, the interactions between person factors and the environment affect occupational performance (Christiansen & Baum, 2005). The Clubhouse model manipulates the environmental aspect to better match an individual’s changed abilities, or person factors, since their injury. The PEOP model therefore predicts changes in occupational performance, which is what this study explored. To fully understand the impact of the brain injury Clubhouse model, this project focused on qualitative data to explore the rich, lived-experience narrative of changes in occupational performance from members of a Clubhouse.

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