A model for optimal selection of machinery sizes within the agricultural economy


Postoje različiti modeli racionalnog opremanja poljoprivrednom mehanizacijom. U ovom su radu opisana 5 modela: Mješoviti cjelobrojni linearni programski model odabira strojeva za Multifarm sustave, nelinearni model odabira optimalne razine mehanizacije poljoprivrednog gospodarstva, model koji povezuje emisije ugljičnog dioksida s radom traktora i poljoprivrednih strojeva, PC model za biranje sustava poljoprivrednih strojeva za različite usjeve i računalni model za izbor optimalne veličine gospodarstva i strojeva. Za svaki od modela opisani su pokusi, načini istraživanja, te primijenjeni metode i programi. Zatim su prikazani rezultati sa procjenom njihove vrijednosti. Nakon toga su objašnjeni i raspravljeni dobiveni rezultati te uspoređeni sa pretpostavkama.There are different models of rational equipping with agricultural mechanization. In this paper five models are described: a mixed linear programmatic model for Multifarm machines selection, a nonlinear model for selecting the optimal level of farm machinery, a model that links carbon dioxide emissions to the work of tractors and agricultural machines, a PC model for selecting multicropping farm machinery systems and a computer model for optimizing the size of the farm and machines. For each of the models are described experiments, methods of research, and applied methods and programs. Results are then presented with an estimate of their value. After that the obtained results were explained and discussed and compared with the assumptions

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