Marketing of innovative products in business systems


Najznačajniji faktori koji u današnje vrijeme utječu na poduzetničku snagu poduzeća uključuju sposobnost inoviranja procesa, proizvoda i usluga. Ukoliko je osnovna preokupacija suvremenog poduzeća stvaranje konkurentske pozicije na tržištu, danas to više nije moguće samo cijenom postojećih proizvoda ili usluga, njihovim kvalitetom ili paletom izbora, već prvenstveno brzinom kojom poduzeće može uvesti nove proizvode. Dotična brzina ovisi o inovativnosti u proizvodnim i poslovnim procesima. Uvođenje inovacija suvremeno je pitanje opstanka, a vrijeme potrebno za inoviranje sve je kraće. Obim i brzina inovacija posljedica su velikog broja naučnih i tehnoloških dostignuća te njihove primjene u praksi. To je ujedno i jedan od razloga zbog kojeg su ulaganja u istraživanja i razvoj danas najuže povezana s budućnošću poduzeća. Steve Jobs, jedan od najvećih inovatora modernog doba i vlasnik kompanije čiji je uspjeh baziran na čistom inoviranju i plasiranju novih proizvoda, kaže: “Ne možete svoje klijente pitati što žele i onda im to pokušati dati. Dok vi tu stvar izradite, oni će već htjeti nešto drugo.” Ovaj rad bavit će se marketingom jednog takvog inovativnog proizvoda s kojim osobno radim. Riječ je o inovativnoj tehnologiji čišćenja samo sa vodom koju je patentirala američka tvrtka Tennant.The most significant factors nowadays that influence the entrepreneurial capacity of our company includes the ability to innovate processes, products and services. If the main concern of modern enterprises is to create competitive position in the market, today this is no longer possible only with price of existing products or services, their quality and range of choice, but rather with the speed with which a company can introduce new products. The particular speed depends on innovation in production and business processes. The introduction of modern innovation is a matter of survival, and the time required for all innovation is shorter. The extent and speed of innovation are due to the large number of scientific and technological advances and their application in practice. It is also one of the reasons why the investment in research and development today is closely linked to the future of the enterprise. Steve Jobs, one of the greatest innovators of modern times and the owner of the company whose success is based on pure innovation and marketing of new products, says: "You cannot ask your customers what they want and then try to give it to them. As you create this thing, they will already want something else". This paper will address the marketing of one of such innovative products with which I personally work. It is an innovative technology for cleaning only with water, which is patented by an American company Tennant

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