The possibilities for disposing activated sludge from wastewater-treatment plants


Pročišćavanjem otpadnih voda nastaje otpadni mulj koji zahtjeva dodatne procese obrade prije odlaganja ili ponovnog korištenja. Otpadni mulj treba zbrinuti na način da ne predstavlja opasnost za okoliš. Od svih komponenti uklonjenih tijekom pročišćavanja otpadnih voda, mulj čini najveći dio otpada. Obično je proizveden u polutekućem ili tekućem obliku te sadrži organske i anorganske tvari sirove otpadne vode i organski sadržaj. Danas postoje razni mehanički, biološki, termički te fizikalni procesi obrade mulja. Mogućnost ponovne upotrebe mulja ovisi u velikoj mjeri o njegovom fizikalnom i kemijskom sastavu, a sastav u značajnoj mjeri ovisi o tehnološkom procesu pročišćavanja vode i obrade mulja. Procesi obrade mulja, njegovog zbrinjavanja i ponovnog korištenja predstavljaju značajan inženjerski problem u području obrade otpadnih voda.Purification of wastewater results in sludge which requires additional processes before disposal or reuse. Sludge must be disposed of in a manner that poses no threat to the environment. Of the constituents removed by treatment, sludge is by far the largest in volume. It is usually produced in the form of a liquid or semisolid liquid and contains organic and inorganic substances. There are various mechanical, biological, thermal and physical processes that are used for sludge treatment. The possibility of reuse of sludge depends largely on its physical and chemical composition, and the composition is significantly dependent on the technological process of water and sludge treatment. Processing, reuse and disposal of sludge present significant problem facing the engineer in the field of wastewater treatment

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