Providing Strategic Direction and Marketing Insights for a Mature Aquatic Facility


As local communities all over the country are facing declining usage of aquatic centers as they age, recreation departments must decide how to address the increasing loss of revenue while also continuing to provide a desired service. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the current situation of a municipal aquatic center located in the Southeast United States in order to determine what steps could be taken to increase usage and decrease negative cash flow. While the Center is still very functional, little has been done in recent decades to update or market it and usage has greatly declined. The study reports how the town sought outside expertise in order to determine what elements of the marketing mix may be better used to minimize the negative cash flow generated by the Center and direct future strategic planning. The SWOT analysis developed through the use of a nominal group is described with the panel\u27s recommendations for future steps and development options included. The town is now able to make an informed decision as to how best spend limited resources and direct efforts to not only resuscitate their aging facility, but also enhance the image of the town and develop much needed new revenue streams

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