Mass for soloists, choir and orchestra


U ovom će radu, nakon uvodnih rijeĉi o crkvenoj glazbi, potom o misi općenito i misi kao glazbenoj vrsti, biti analizirana autorska skladba Misa za soliste, zbor, orkestar. Bit će izneseni rezultati analize strukture skladbe, potom analizirani redom svi stavci sa svog harmonijskog, formalnog i idejnog stajališta, uz prikazane pojedine primjere iz same partiture.In this paper, after introductory words about church music, then about the mass in general and the mass as a musical genre, the author's composition Mass for soloists, choir, orchestra will be analyzed. The results of the analysis of the structure of the composition will be presented, then all the movements will be analyzed in order from their harmonic, formal and conceptual point of view, along with some examples from the score itself

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