Gold in streams of the southern slopes of the Slavonian Mountains : master's thesis


U svrhu određivanja koncentracije zlata u potocima južnih obronaka slavonskih planina (Papuka i Krndije) uzorkovani su vodotočni sedimenti. Drenažni teren sastoji se od različitih litostratigrafskih jedinica od kojih su najvažnije: Ggs, Scose, D3, C,P, 2PT, T2 i 1M12. Od 12 uzoraka, na temelju granulometrije, 7 uzoraka pripada kategoriji šljunka, a 5 uzoraka kategoriji pijeska. Iz granulometrijske krivulje izračunati su matematički parametri: srednja veličina zrna, sortiranost i koeficijent asimetrije. Određivanjem mineralnog sastava teške mineralne frakcije te magnetične i nemagnetične frakcije određene su primarne stijene uzorkovanih sedimenata - paleozojske metamorfne stijene. Optičkim istraživanjima utvrđeno je da u uzorcima prevladavaju litični fragmenti, a razlike u mineralnom sastavu uočljive su u promjenama glavnih i sporednih minerala (Qtz, Chl, Cdl, Gr, tinjaca). Vidljivo zlato nije pronađeno unutar šlihova i 5 uzoraka s najvećim sadržajem Fe minerala, posebica pirita koji mogu biti zlatonosni, poslano je na daljnje analize. Otapanjem u zlatotopci, uzorci su pripremljeni za atomsku apsorpcijsku spektrometriju (AAS). Koncentracija zlata u uzorcima je ispod granice detekcije (< 20 ppb) U sklopu rada, za potrebe geoparka Papuk napravljene su geološke radionice za djecu od 6-14 godina (S0 i S1 uzrast).Abstract: In order to determine the concentration of gold in the streams of the southern slopes of the Slavonian Mountains (Papuk and Krndija) aquferius were sampled. Drain field consists of different lithostratigraphic units of which are the most important: Ggs, Scose, D3, C,P, 2PT, T2 and 1M12.Of 12 samples, based on grain size, 7 samples belong to the category of gravel and 5 samples belong to the category of sands. From the granulometric curve it was calculated the mathematical parameters: mean grain size, sorted and coefficient of asymmetry. By specifying the mineral composition of the heavy mineral fraction and the magnetic and nonmagnetic fractions the preacursor rocks were determinated as Paleozoik metamorphic rocks. Optical research has shown that in the samples prevail the lithic fragments, and the differences in mineral composition are noticeable changes in the major and minor minerals (quartz, Chl, Cdl, Gr, mica). Visible gold is not found within heavy mineral fraction and 5 samples with the highest content of Fe-bearing minerals, particularly pyrite (which may occure as gold-bearing), were sent for further analysis. By dissolution in aqua regia samples were prepared for Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), which establishe that within sample gold is below detection limits. Also, geological workshops for childrens from 6-14 years (S0 and S1 age) for the geopark Papuk are made as part of these theses

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