Instructive analysis Schumann's Humoresque op 20


Ovaj rad bavi se Robertom Schumannom do skladanja Humoreske, op. 20. te njenom formalnom, tehničkom i interpretativnom analizom. U radu sam se koristio znanjem stečenim tijekom studija i navedenom literaturom. Schumann prvi koristi termin 'humoreska' kao naslov svojim djelima te služi kao primjer skladateljima kasnijeg razdoblja poput Dvořáka, Čajkovskog i Rahmanjinova.This work is based on Robert Schumann's opus, in the period preceding the creation of Humoresque op. 20, and its formal, technical and interpretative analysis. As references, I used the knowledge acquired during my studies and the below listed literature. The term 'humoresque' was first used as a title for his work by Schumann and later on, following his example, by other significant composers such as Dvořák, Tchaikovsky and Rachmanonoff

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