Towards a comprehensive modeling framework for studying glucose repression in yeast


The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an important model organism for human health and for industry applications as a cell factory. For both purposes, it has been an important organism for studying glucose repression. Glucose sensing and signaling is a complex biological system, where the SNF1 pathway is the main pathway responsible for glucose repression. However, it is highly interconnected with the cAMP-PKA, Snf3-Rgt2 and TOR pathways. To handle the complexity, mathematical modeling has successfully aided in elucidating the structure, mechanism, and dynamics of the pathway. In this thesis, I aim to elucidate what the effect of the interconnection of glucose repression with sensory and metabolic pathways in yeast is, specifically, how crosstalk influences the signaling cascade; what the main effects of nutrient signaling on the metabolism are and how those are affected by intrinsic stress, such as damage accumulation. Here, I have addressed these questions by developing new frameworks for mathematical modeling. A vector based method for Boolean representation of complex signaling events is presented. The method reduces the amount of necessary nodes and eases the interpretation of the Boolean states by separating different events that could alter the activity of a protein. This method was used to study how crosstalk influences the signaling cascade.To be able to represent a diverse biological network using methods suitable for respective pathways, we also developed two hybrid models. The first is demonstrating a framework to connect signaling pathways with metabolic networks, enabling the study of long-term signaling effects on the metabolism. The second hybrid model is demonstrating a framework to connect models of signaling and metabolism to growth and damage accumulation, enabling the study of how the long-term signaling effects on the metabolism influence the lifespan. This thesis represents a step towards comprehensive models of glucose repression. In addition, the methods and frameworks in this thesis can be applied and extended to other signaling pathways

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