Hector Berlioz i duboki limeni puhači


Tema ovoga rada su duboki limeni puhački instrumenti kao prethodnici tube. Potreba za instrumentima koji bi mogli preuzeti basovsku dionicu nastaje u razdoblju renesanse. Otada su graditelji načinili niz limenih puhačkih instrumenata koji su tu potrebu nastojali ispuniti. U prvom poglavlju ovoga rada donosi se pregled ovih instrumenata, zaključno s tubom. U drugom i trećem poglavlju pokazuje se kako je Hector Berlioz karakterizirao ove instrumente u svojem teorijskom djelu Veliki traktat o modernoj instrumentaciji i orkestraciji iz 1844. te kako ih je koristio u svojim skladbama.The subject of this thesis are deep brass instruments as precursors of the tuba. The need for instruments that could take over the bass parts arises in the Renaissance period. Since then, builders have made a number of brass instruments that have sought to meet this need. The first chapter of this thesis provides an overview of these instruments, concluding with the tuba. Chapters two and three show how Hector Berlioz characterized these instruments in his theoretical work The Great Treatise on Modern Instrumentation and Orchestration of 1844 and how he used them in his compositions

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