A model of smart parking lot


Cilj rada je bio izraditi i objasniti sustav pametnog parkinga. Objasniti različite načine upravljanja sustavom. Prikazano je kako uz pomoć mikroupravljača SMT32 kontrolira signalizaciju, pristup i izlazak s parkirališta. Na kraju rada se može vidjeti testiranje vraćanja senzora u početno stanje nakon poremećaja u vremenu i kontrola rada komponenti sustava.The goal of the project was bulid and explain smart system for the parking. Explain different ways of managing the system. It is shown how, with the help of SMT 32 controls signaling, access and exit from the parking. At the end of the project can be seen testing the return of the sensor to its initial state after a disturbance in time and control the operation of system components

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