Quality of reporting injuries with sharp objects to healthcare employees of the Republic of Croatia


Ozljede oštrim predmetima predstavljaju veliki rizik pri radu svih radnika u zdravstvenim ustanovama budući da do takvih incidenata često dolazi tijekom obrade pacijenta te kod manipulacije medicinskim otpadom. Glavnu opasnost pri tom predstavlja mogućnost zaraze ukoliko je igla ili oštri predmet bio prethodno u dodiru sa zaraženim bolesnikom. Iako se ozljeda oštrim predmetom priznaje kao ozljeda na radu, većina radnika ne pokreće postupak prijave ozljede na radu nakon ozljede oštrim predmetom zbog neinformiranosti ili zbog dugotrajnog i kompliciranog postupka prijave ozljede na radu. Stoga je bilo potrebno pojednostavniti sam postupak prijavljivanja ozljede oštrim predmetima nadležnim institucijama što je omogućeno stupanjem na snagu Pravilnika o načinu provođenja mjera zaštite radi sprječavanja nastanka ozljeda oštrim predmetima [1]. Primjenom tog pojednostavljenog postupka prijavljivanja bitno se povećao broj prijava, što će omogućiti bolje planiranje i provođenje dodatnih mjera zaštite zdravlja radnika izloženih riziku ozljeda oštrim predmetima. U daljnjoj suradnji s osiguravateljem, pokušat će se doći do ostvarenja prvotnog cilja – pojednostavljenog priznavanja prijavljenih ozljeda oštrim predmetima odnosno svih vrsta ekspozicijskih incidenata kao ozljede na radu.Sharps/needlestick incidents (percutaneous injuries) pose a considerable occupational risk for all healthcare workers because they frequently occur while providing patient care or handling medical waste. The major risk of percutaneous injuries is an infection following the contact between the needle or any sharp object and an infected patient. Although percutaneous injuries belong to a group of occupational injuries, most employees do not officially report on these incidents because they are either uninformed or think that the reporting process is time-consuming and complicated. It was therefore necessary to simplify the reporting procedure which was enabled by the entry into force of the Regulations on the implementation of protective measures to prevent the occurrence of injuries by sharp objects (Official gazette 84/13). By applying of the simplified reporting procedure, the number of applications has significantly increased, which will allow better planning and implementation of additional measures to protect the health of workers exposed to the risk of injury by sharp objects. In further co-operation with the competent insurer, efforts will be made to achieve the original goal - simplified recognition of reported injuries by sharp objects, ie all types of exposure incidents, as work-related injury

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