Suitability assesment for vineyards in Kaštela-Trogir area


Analizom terenskih i laboratorijskih istraživanja utvrđeni su određeni nedostaci koji se u tlu očituju kroz nisku opskrbljenost fosforom i kalijem, povećan pH, visok sadržaj karbonata. Uz navedene nedostatke utvrđene su i pozitivne karakteristike kao što su: prisutnost skeleta različitih frakcija koji pokriva površinu vinograda i doprinosi zadržavanju vlage u tlu te potpomaže ukupnu insolaciju koja ima utjecaj na količinu šećera u samom grožđu, postotak humusa koji je unutar optimalnih 1 - 3 %, te se kreće od 1,20 - 2,80 %, količina oborina od 687,00 -1 436,00 litara koja zadovoljava potrebe vinove loze. Problem je njen raspored tijekom godine, odnosno nedostatak prilikom ljetnih mjeseci koji se rješava navodnjavanjem. Unatoč utvrđenim nedostacima, način na koji je izvedena sama priprema sadnje vinograda predstavlja novi aspekt zbrinjavanja materijala iz raznih građevinskih radova te se tako oplemenjuju površine uz racionaano odvajanje i zbrinjavanje materijala. Takvim pristupom dobivaju se nove proizvodne površine koje po svom izvornom obliku to nisu bile. Svi parametri koji su utvrđeni pokazuju kako ovakav pristup prostornog uređenja zemljišta ima potencijal te bi se svakim daljnjim radom uz prethodno stečena iskustva mogao poboljšati i unaprijediti. Nekontroliranim i neplanskim nasipavanjem dolazi do trajne i nepovratne degradacije tla, te će ovakav pristup u budućnosti doći sve više do izražaja, kako bi se izbalansirala potreba zbrinjavanja materijala i budućeg korištenja nasutog zemljišta.The analysis of field and laboratory research shows some deficiencies in the soil that are manifested through a low supply of phosphorus and potassium, increased pH, high carbonate content. In addition to these deficiencies identified were also and positive characteristics such as the presence of the rock material different fraction which is distributed by the surface of the vineyard, and which contributes to the retention of moisture in the soil and promotes overall insulation that has an impact on the amount of sugar in the grapes, the percentage of humus, which is within the optimal 1 - 3 %, and ranges from 1.20 to 2.80 %, the amount of rainfall is 687 - 1436 l and meets the needs of the vitis vinifera, the problem is her schedule during the year or during the summer months, the lack of which can be offset by irrigation. Despite the identified shortfalls, the way that is carried preparing planting vineyards represents a new aspect of dealing with waste material from a variety of construction projects and thereby enrich the surface with a rational separation and disposal of materials. Such an approach gives the new production area, which was not exits in its original form. All parameters that are determined show that this approach to zoning of land has potential and in any further work with the learned lessons, could improve and enhance. Uncontrolled and unplanned filling leads to permanent and irreversible soil degradation, and this approach will in future come increasingly to the fore, to balance the needs of housing materials and future use of the buried soil

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