
Zbog izrazito dobre otpornosti kokoš hrvatica je prilagođena slobodnom sustavu držanja, jednom od najzastupljenijih alternativnih načina držanja peradi u svijetu, a koji je u najvećoj mjeri u skladu s dobrobiti i zdravljem životinja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi oksidativnu stabilnost mesa kokoši hrvatica. Razina nastalih produkata oksidacije lipida (TBARS) i proteina (CP-karbonil proteini) u mišićnom tkivu prsa i zabataka kokoši hrvatica jače je izražena u mišićnom tkivu zabatka (TBARS 0,289; CP 1,549), nego u prsa (TBARS 0,207; CP 0,899), čime se u usporedbi s konvencionalnim uzgojem značajno razlikuje. Zbog velikog sadržaja polinezasićenih masnih kiselina meso peradi vrlo je osjetljivo na oksidaciju masti i proteina. Nastali produkti utječu na njegovu kvalitetu (teksturu, boju, miris, okus), pohranu i čuvanje, a time izravno mogu utjecati i na zdravlje čovjeka. Dobivenim rezultatima može se pridonijeti boljem iskorištavanju genetskog potencijala autohtone pasmine kokoši hrvatica u proizvodnim svojstvima te njezinom opstanku u slobodnom uzgoju.Due to extremely good resistance Hrvatica hen is adjusted to free range farming. Free range farming is one of the most common alternative ways of keeping poultry in the world, which is largely in line with the well-being and health of animals. The aim of this study was to determine the oxidative stability of meat of Hrvatica hens. The level of the resulting products of lipid oxidation (TBARS) and protein (CP-carbonyl proteins) in the muscle tissue of breast and thighs of Hrvatica hen is more pronounced in the muscle tissue of thigh (TBARS 0.289; CP 1.549), than in the breast (TBARS 0.207; CP 0.899), what is, compared to conventional breeding, significantly different. Due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids poultry meat is very sensitive to oxidation of fats and proteins. The resulting products affect its quality (texture, color, smell, taste), storage and preservation, and thus can directly affect the human health. The results may contribute to a better exploitation of the genetic potential of indigenous breed of Hrvatica hen in the production traits and its further breeding in free-range production system

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