University of Zagreb. Faculty of Economics and Business.
Svrha rada je analizirati ulogu volontiranja u unapređenju postojećih i razvoju novih kompetencija. U teorijskom dijelu rada pojmovno se definiraju znanje, vještine, sposobnosti i kompetencije, predstavljaju se najčešće klasifikacije ključnih menadžerskih vještina, te su prikazana istraživanja koja navode ključne vještine koje se volontiranjem mogu steći. U empirijskom dijelu rada provedeno je istraživanje na uzorku od 36 studenata Diplomskog sveučilišnog studija na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu i 85 volontera u Republici Hrvatskoj o tome u kojoj mjeri smatraju da volontiranjem mogu unaprijediti postojeće i razviti nove vještine. Pokazalo se da nema ispitanika koji smatra da volontiranjem ne bi mogao unaprijediti postojeće i razviti nove vještine.The scope of this paper is to analyze the role of volunteering in developing and improving better managerial knowledge, skills and abilities to be more competent in the labor market. In the theoretical part of the paper the differences between knowledge, skills and abilities are defined, the most common classifications of managerial skills and the most popular researches about volunteering are presented. In the empirical part of the paper the extent to which 36 graduate students from the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb and 85 volunteers in Croatia think that they could improve their skills through volunteering is determined. The research has shown that there are no respondents who think that they could not improve their skills through volunteering