High-Resolution Real-World Electricity Data from Three Microgrids in the Global South


Microgrids are a promising solution for providing renewable electricity access to rural populations in the Global South. To ensure such renewable microgrids are affordable, careful planning and dimensioning are required. High-resolution data on electricity generation and consumption is necessary for optimal design. Unfortunately, real-world electricity data for microgrids in the Global South is scarce, and the little data that is available has a low temporal resolution. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce a unique highresolution real-world electricity data set from three microgrids in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Haiti. The data has a temporal resolution of up to five seconds and focuses on microgrids with renewable generation from either hydropower or photovoltaic systems. Furthermore, we include data from both residential and industrial microgrids. We describe the recorded data and highlight the advantages of the high resolution. We demonstrate how this resolution offers insight into consumption patterns and enables the analysis of grid voltage and frequency, which is highly relevant for the planning and dimensioning of affordable renewable microgrids in the Global South

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