Dependence of gas turbines on the type and state of filtering elements


Following the energy strategy until 2035 of the Russian Federation, obsolete generation facilities are replaced with new promising combined-cycle power units with higher energy efficiency indicators. The difficulties of operating combined-cycle power units, particularly gas turbine units, are primarily related to the working fluid preparation quality. This article discusses the elaborate practice of the air supplied to the compressor, including its cooling and filtration. The paper presents an engineering solution for the technical re-equipment of an integrated air purifier by installing panels for the air's evaporative cooling. The porous structure of the panel material also allows for air filtration. The article presents the dependence of the power of a gas turbine installation on the temperature of the outdoor air in the climatic conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia). The economic effect of introducing the proposed technology is calculated, which is associated with eliminating lost profits from the under-development of electric energy and the quality of preparation of the working fluid for a gas turbine installation

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