
Današnji način života odvija se dinamično i brzo, ali nije ni približno punog kapaciteta kojim se sve može još puno brže i jednostavnije odvijati uz pomoć novih tehnoloških izuma. Činjenica koja je to potkrijepila je epidemija koronavirusom SARS-CoV-2 pa sukladno tome, ovaj rad se bavi opisom navedenog te posljedicama utjecaja istoga na logistiku, odnosno logističke sustave i lance opskrbe. U ovom periodu krize SARS-CoV-2 očekuje se veliki poremećaj u većini aktivnosti svih sektora gospodarstva (industrijski, komercijalni, uslužni itd.), kao i u globalnom prometnom sustavu; stoga je bitno planirati ovu izvanrednu situaciju kako bi se imao učinkovit odgovor, što uključuje, između ostalog, organizaciju lanca opskrbe i upravljanje logističkim sustavima tijekom razdoblja pandemije.Today's way of life, which may seem accelerated to us, is not even close to the full capacity by which everything around us can take place much faster and easier with the help of new technological inventions. The fact that supported this is the epidemic of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, and accordingly, this paper deals with the description of the above and the consequences of its impact on logistics, ie logistics systems and supply chains. In this period of SARS-CoV-2 crisis, a major disruption is expected in most activities of all sectors of the economy (industrial, commercial, service, etc.), as well as in the global transport system; it is therefore essential to plan for this emergency in order to have an effective response, which includes, inter alia, supply chain organization and logistics system management during the pandemic period

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