What were you thinking (During COVID)? Decisions to Declutter


The present study examines the relationship between psychological reactance and clutter quality of life. Psychological reactance was a concept created by Brehm (1966) to describe the emotional response or state in a situation or environment when there is a restriction or loss of freedom. According to this theory when coercive, persuasive, or other attempts that threaten freedom of choice causes reactance to increase. This theory is most often associated with consumer behavior but within this study a relationship between how people react to advice and how that affects their decision to declutter or not is plausible. What was not examined was if an individual decided to declutter or not but the outcome of that is the Clutter Quality of Life with the initial variable and outcome of correlations. Clutter Quality of Life from its scale is used to describe and measure the consequences of clutter in a person\u27s life. It highlights wellbeing and the negative effects of clutter in life. Therefore, the present study examines the relationship between psychological reactance and clutter quality of life.https://via.library.depaul.edu/psychologynight/1258/thumbnail.jp

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