The sanitary and hygienic characteristic of working conditions and assessment of incidence of convicts according to profound medical examination


© 2016, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.The analysis of sanitary and hygienic working conditions and the state of health of the convicts serving sentence in correctional facilities in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan is submitted. Working conditions of the convicts occupied on productions of corrective labor colonies, in particular, on sewing, foundry and woodworking productions are described. The detailed characteristic of the harmful physical and chemical factors which are adversely influencing health working, features of engineering procedures of the different types of production important from the point of view of a labor hygiene are given. Results of profound medical examination of the prisoners working in the conditions of harmful productions with distribution on age and length of service are analysed, indicators of weight of labor process are considered. High frequency of cases of arterial hypertension at workers of foundry, sewing production and the mechanical shop with obvious increase of number of the revealed cases is noted with age. The analysis of detectability of chronic diseases of respiratory system is carried out (rinopharingitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc.). At the same time reliable distinctions between the frequency of detectability and length of service on production are not traced. Connection of number of cases of chronic bronchitis with increase in age is proved. The carried-out sanitary and hygienic assessment of working conditions of convicts was a basis for development of sanitary and hygienic actions for optimization of working conditions and prevention of diseases at convicts

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