University of Split. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split.
U ovom djelu prikazana je povijest zidanja u kamenu,odnosno način čovijekova staranja utom
materijalu. S obzirom na geografski prostor kamen je najrelevantniji materijal za izgradnju u
povijesti, pa se tako u ovom radu ukratko opisuje povijesne metode vađenja i obrade kamena.
Opisuje se i proizvodnja vapna za mort koji je bio glavno vezivno sredstvo zidanih struktura.
Opisuju se i neki povijesni izvori koji nešto govore o povezanoj tematici, ali i suvremena
djela koja se odnose na tehnike zidanja poglaviti kamenom. U svakom razdoblju se opisuju
tipovi zidanja te se pokušava opisati ponešto o načinu njihova nastanka ili barem svrsi.
Počevši od najranijih zidova, pokušavaju se dokučiti veze i utjecaji sa mlađim načinima
zidanja, naravno povezane sa novim metodama obrade kamena ili građevinskih tehnika koje
dolaze protjecanjem vremena.This work presents the history of masonry in stone, ie the way the historic people created in
this material. Given the geographical area, stone is the most relevant historic building
material, so this paper briefly describes the historical methods of quarrying and processing
stone. The production of lime for mortar, which was the main binder of masonry structures, is
also described. There are also some historical sources that say something about related topics
presented in this work, but also contemporary works related to the techniques of masonry,
especially by stone. In each period, the types of masonry are described and an attempt is made
to describe something about the way they were created or at least their purpose. Starting with
the earliest walls, attempts are made to grasp the connections and influences with younger
ways of historic masonry, of course associated with new methods of stone processing or
construction techniques that come with the passage of time