

金沢大学人間社会研究域歴史言語文化学系当該書籍の都合約2/3に就き、精査を完了。今次事業に於る精査済み受贈機関は第2、第3高校、新潟高校の3機関のみだが、東北帝大は雑誌5、6冊を遺すのみで、山形高校は9割方を了え、東京帝大も8割方、松本高校も5割方を了え、京都帝大は、雑誌は2割程だが、単行本は完了。公表論文2篇(A、B)のうち、Aでは膠州図書館宛書籍寄贈者H.グラウエ、及びヴ、コーン叢書の寄贈者W.コーンに就ての新知見を記しつつ、膠州図書館所用受入藏書印中の長方形印の使用時期を特定し、Bでは新潟高校受贈書籍に就て略報すると共に、膠州図書館藏書票の印刷用組版の来華時期、及び当該図書館創設時の勅許状と財団証書の全文を付記。Books from Germann Tsingtau presented to Universities and Highschools in Japan contain various types of bibliogr. data and imprities, for instance seals of traders, ex-libris, ownership stamps, bookmarks, etc. These data and imprities show us the history of the books. We totally investigated 2/3 of the books.We published two reports. The first dealed with Heinrich Glaue, Wilhelm Cohn, and the rectangle type of ownership stamps of Kiautschou-Bibliothek. On H. Glaue, we traced his brief life and presumed an special ex-libris belongs to him. On W. Cohn, we cleared his dwelling place in Berlin based on his postcard and Berliner Addressbook. And on the rectangle type of K.-B. ownership stamps, we pointed out the year which it was used. The second dealed with the Books from Tsingtau received by Niigata Highschool. While we found a full text of the kaiserl. Kabinettsordre and Stiftungsurkunde of K.-B., we retyped them as a post script.研究課題/領域番号:26284107, 研究期間(年度):2014-04-01 – 2019-03-31出典:研究課題「〈青島〉旧蔵書籍書誌情報の緊急採録と国内学術機関宛寄贈書籍書誌情報原稿の完成」課題番号26284107(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-26284107/26284107seika/)を加工して作

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