

断酒に至るまでには,どのような問題があり,その問題に断酒会会員がどのように対処しながら,断酒に至ったかを明らかにすることが目的である.断酒会会員294人を調査対象として質問紙および留め置き調査を行った.回収率は56.8%(167名:男性150名,女性17名)であった.調査対象者の平均年齢は58.6±11.1(mean±SD)(男性59.7±10.5,女性48±11.7)歳であった.初回飲酒年齢は平均18.4±6.3歳であり,15歳未満の初回飲酒は男性28名,女性5名であった.飲酒歴は平均25.4±11.3年(男性26.4,女性16.5年)で,平均断酒期間は10年1ヵ月±9年6ヵ月(男性10年7ヵ月,女性4年6ヵ月)であった.調査対象者は飲酒によって家庭や仕事における深刻な問題を引き起こしたため,酒量の調節を試みたが,逆に飲酒量が増し連続飲酒状態に陥り医療機関を受診していた.断酒例会への継続参加により,断酒が可能となり,信用と健康を取り戻し,自信となっていることがあきらかになった.アルコール依存症者が再び社会で正常な日常生活が送れるようになる為には断酒が唯一の方法であることがあらためて確認された.Aim : The purpose of this survey is to clarify alcohol-related problems, the coping methods and how to reach total abstinence in the self-help group members for total abstinence. Method : A mail survey and/or a placement method survey of alcohol dependency were conducted in two prefectures. Subjects were 294 recovering alcoholic and they were members of regular meeting for total abstinence. The response rate was56.8%(150males,17females). Results : Subjects average age was 58.6±11.1 (mean±SD) years (male, 59.7±10.5; female, 48±11.7 years). The average of first alcoholic experience of them was at the age of 18.4±6.3. Twenty eight men (18.6%) and five women (29.4%) started drinking at the age of less than 15years old. Average duration of drinking was 25.4±11.3 years (male, 26.4; female, 16.5years), and average abstinence periods were 10.1±9.5years (male, 10.6; female, 4.5years). They tried to regulate the amount of alcohol because of serious social problems at a home and/or workplace by drinking. However, they could not visit hospitals or clinics until they lapsed into the continuous excessive drinking state. They could quit drinking with continuous participation to regular meeting for total abstinence (Dansyu Reikai) and regained trust, health, and self-confidence. Conclusion : These results suggest that the method to quit drinking is not a self-regulation of amount of alcohol but an attendance of Dansyu Reikai (self-help group participation)

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