Germline deletion and a somatic mutation of the PRKAR1A gene in a Carney complex-related pituitary adenoma


Objective: The objective was to assess involvement of loss of the PRKAR1A gene encoding a type 1α regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A located on 17q24 in a Carney complex (CNC)-related pituitary adenoma. Design: We investigated aberrations of the PRKAR1A gene in a CNC patient with a GH-producing pituitary adenoma, whose family has 3 other members with probable CNC. Methods: A gene mutation was identified by a standard DNA sequencing method based on PCR. DNA copy number was measured to evaluate allelic loss on 17q24 by quantitative PCR. The breakpoints of deletion were determined by cloning a rearranged region in the deleted allele. Results: A PRKAR1A mutation of c.751_758del8 (p.S251LfsX16) was found in genomic DNA obtained from a pituitary adenoma, but not leukocytes from the patient. Reduced DNA copy number at loci including the PRKAR1A gene on 17q24 was detected in both the tumor and leukocytes, suggesting a deletion at the loci at the germline level. The deletion size was determined to be approximately 0.5 Mb and this large deletion was also found in other 2 family members. Conclusion: This is the first case showing a CNC-related pituitary adenoma with the combination of somatic mutation and a large inherited deletion of the PRKAR1A gene. Biallelic inactivation of PRKAR1A may be necessary for the development of CNC-related pituitary adenoma

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