This paper develops new solution procedures for the order picker routing problem
in U-shaped order picking zones with a movable depot, which has so far only been
solved using simple heuristics. The paper presents the frst exact solution approach,
based on combinatorial Benders decomposition, as well as a heuristic approach
based on dynamic programming that extends the idea of the venerable sweep algorithm. In a computational study, we demonstrate that the exact approach can solve
small instances well, while the heuristic dynamic programming approach is fast and
exhibits an average optimality gap close to zero in all test instances. Moreover, we
investigate the infuence of various storage assignment policies from the literature
and compare them to a newly derived policy that is shown to be advantageous under
certain circumstances. Secondly, we investigate the efects of having a movable
depot compared to a fxed one and the infuence of the efort to move the depot