Evaluation of HPP "Djerdap 1" backwaterr impact on the formation of groundwater regime in coastal areas of Danube.


Jeдан од негативних ефеката рада акумулационих хидроелектрана представља њен утицај на издизање и спуштање водостаја површинских активних токова у насталој акумулацији...One of the negative impacts of Hydropower plants (/) operation is their influence on the rise of water levels and prolongation of surface flows in the resulting accumulation, which causes a modification of the groundwater regime and increases vulnerability of coastal areas of different purposes. In order to evaluate this important problem, influence of “Hydropower plant Djerdap 1", as one of the largest and most important European hydropower plants, on the groundwater regime in the coastal areas of its accumulation was analised..

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